Using win 7 64 bit version and experiencing repeated hanging when transferring a large 370MB file (at about 90% sometimes earlier)
Have tried:
Passive and active modes
Resumption or not in case of interruption
In current try log ends with:
<200 PORT command successful
>STOR _BS8_ABJM6T2QP7GAC_171B6F0C_01_00_MD5_5206560A306A2E085A437FD258EB57CE_KZEU2VDSMVVS25DFMNUG42LDME.BS_.mp4
<150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for _BS8_ABJM6T2QP7GAC_171B6F0C_01_00_MD5_5206560A306A2E085A437FD258EB57CE_KZEU2VDSMVVS25DFMNUG42LDME.BS_.mp4
Then with timeout ...
Then unable to stop synchronisation and have to use task manager to close BestSync