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Trigger a task by file or completion of another task

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:42 pm
by little monkey
I'm trying to trigger a task remotely by putting a file in a specific folder. However, I could not find such functionality. Currently, I can kick off a task after another task. The problem is, the second task kicks off no matter if there is any file actually synced in previous task. I would like to kick off the second task if there is any file need to be synced in previous task.

Re: Trigger a task by file or completion of another task

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:33 pm
by RiseFly
Sorry, BestSync has not the feature to trigger the task by a specified file.
You can trigger the second task by the application setting after the completion of the first task. If no file need to be synchronized, the second task only scans the folder then end with doing nothing.