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The path name of BestSync Application is:
%InstallPath% is the install path of BestSync, usually it is in "C:\Program Files\RiseFly\BestSync\".BestSyncApp.exe supports following command in the command line. Multiple commands can be specified in one command line.
Start the BestSync as a tray icon in taskbar. The main window will no be shown.
Tasks that are scheduled as "Start task when this application starts" will not be started.
This command will overlap the "nostartup" command.
All the checked task in the task list will be started at the start time./lockpc
The computer will be locked as soon as the BestSync starts.
BestSync application will exit after all the task complete. If there are no task checked in the task list, and "startall" command is specified, BestSync will exit soon after it starts.
The computer will shutdown (power off) after all tasks complete. If there is no task checked in the task list, and "startall" command is specified, The computer will shutdown soon after it is started.
[BestSync Setting File.xfsf]
Specify a BestSync setting file.
%InstallPath%BestSyncApp.exe" "X:\Setting Path\Settting1.xfsf" /StartAll /Exit/Sync:S(TaskId),X(TaskId),...,M(TaskId)
Start and stop tasks by command line.
This command can not be used with other command if BestSyncApp.exe is already running.
S(TaskId) Start the task identified by the TaskId.
M(TaskId) Start the task identified by the TaskId by a new thread.
X(TaskId) Stop the task identified by the TaskId.
Program Files\RiseFly\>BestSyncApp /lockpc /startall /shutdown
Start BestSync App and lock the computer immediately. And start all the checked tasks, after all the tasks complete, shutdown the computer.
Start an independent instance. The instance is identified by the number nn, it will load its own project file.
The path name of BestSync Service is:
%InstallPath% is the install path of BestSync, usually it is in "C:\Program Files\RiseFly\BestSync\".BestSyncSvc.exe supports following command in the command line.
Install the BestSync service to the service manager.
Uninstall the BestSync service to the service manager.
Start the BestSync service.
Stop the BestSync service.
Start multiple tasks by BestSync Service, or stop multiple tasks that are been ran by BestSync Service.
S(TaskId) Start the task identified by the TaskId.
M(TaskId) Start the task identified by the TaskId by a new thread.
X(TaskId) Stop the task identified by the TaskId.
The tasks specified here must be scheduled to run as Windows Service in the "Schedule" tab of the ask wizard.
If S(TaskId) or M(TaskId) command is specified, and BestSync Service has not been started, this command line will start BestSync Service first, and control the service to start the specified tasks./NoSvc /file:"SettingFile.xfsf" /Sync:S(TaskId[,Runtime Parameters],...,S(TaskId)
Start multiple tasks in a specified setting project file on demand. NOT run as Windows Service.
SettingFile.xfsf is the BestSync setting project in full path.
S(TaskId) Start the task identified by the TaskId.
M(TaskId) Start the task identified by the TaskId by a new thread.
[Runtime Parameters]
Optional parameters to modify the settings of the task at runtime.
Format of the runtime parameters:
Name1="Value1",Name2="Value2",,...NameN="ValueN"Runtime parameters.
direction=[0,1,2] //sync direction; 0: Folder1==>Folder2; 1: Folder1<==Folder2; 2: Folder1<==>Folder2;
fd1="path" ; //Modify the path of folder1;
fd2="path" ; //Modify the path of folder2;
fdb="path" ; //Modify the path of backup folder;
ftf="YYYYMMDD-hhmmss"; //Specify "From-Time" of the timestamp filtering range.
ftt="YYYYMMDD-hhmmss"; //Specify "To-Time" of the timestamp filtering range.
//Only the files with the timestamp that is from "ftf" to "ftt" are copied.
//If "ftf" is present and "ftt" is absent, the current time is used for "ftt".flt="*.ext1;*.ext2" ; //The file types used to filter the files.
fle=[0,1] ; //0: Include the "flt" types. 1: Exclude the "flt" types
rslt="path"; //The file to save the sync result; The length of the path must < 128 Chars
//The sync result like the following will be written to the file
LastErrorString="No Error"Sample:
C:\Program Files\RiseFly\BestSync\BestSyncSvc.exe" /NoSvc /file:"C:\TaskSetting\setting.xfsf" /sync:S(2)
C:\Program Files\RiseFly\BestSync\BestSyncSvc.exe" /NoSvc /file:"C:\TaskSetting\setting.xfsf" /sync:S(2,direction=0, fd1="c:\Source",fd2="c:\Target", ftf="20100510")
The tasks identified here need NOT to be scheduled to run as Windows Service.
And this command line starts a new instance of BestSyncSvc.exe, runs the task in the application level. When all the tasks complete, this instance ends. This action will not affect the running BestSync Service.
Using this command line, you can start any tasks in any project file on demand by Windows Scheduler etc.
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