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Start the task wizard to add a new task.
Delete the selected synchronous task.
Start the task wizard to modify the selected task.
Copy a task to clipboard for paste it later.
Paste a task to the task list.
Add a new task group to the tab control.
This menu will also be shown if click on the tab control by the right button of the mouse.
There are two special task groups, one is the "Default" group, the other is the "Service" group. If you do not add any group, all the new tasks will be added to the "Default" group. And all the tasks that are set to run as a Windows Service will be added to the "Service" group. Tasks can be dragged and dropped between task groups.
Rename the current task group.
Delete the current task group. All the tasks in the group will be deleted also.
A message box pops up to ask you confirm this action. Click on the "Yes" button if you want to delete the task group; "No" to cancel the operation.
Start the preview window of the selected task.
Preview "Folder1==>Folder2"
Start preview of the selected task, the sync-direction is compulsorily set to “form Folder1 to Folder2”.
Newer file in Folder1 will be copied to Folder2; Files deleted from Folder1 will be deleted from Folder2; Files created in Folder2 or updated in Folder2 will remain unchanged.
Preview "Folder1<==Folder2"
Start preview of the selected task, the sync-direction is compulsorily set to “from Folder2 to Folder1”.
Newer file in Folder2 will be copied to Folder1; Files deleted from Folder2 will be deleted from Folder1; Files created in Folder1 or updated in Folder1 will remain unchanged.
Preview "Folder1<=>Folder2"
Start preview of the selected task, the sync-direction is compulsorily set to bi-direction.
Newer file in Folder1 will be copied to Folder2; Files deleted from Folder1 will be deleted from Folder2;
Newer file in Folder2 will be copied to Folder1; Files deleted from Folder2 will be deleted from Folder1;.Preview Mirroring "Folder1==> Folder2"
Start preview of the selected task, the sync-mode is mirror file form Folder1 to Folder2.
New file in Folder1 will be copied to Folder2; Files not in Folder1 will be deleted from Folder2; The rename setting will no take effect.
Preview Mirroring "Folder1<== Folder2"
Start preview of the selected task, the sync-mode is mirror file form Folder2 to Folder1.
New file in Folder2 will be copied to Folder1; Files not in Folder2 will be deleted from Folder1; The rename setting will no take effect.
Start preview of the selected task, Only synchronize the timestamps of the files between Folder1 and Folder2.
Only the files with same size in Folder1 and Folder2 will be synchronized, The timestamp of the newer file will be set to the file of the older side.
NOTE: BestSync does not compare the file contents.
Start the selected synchronous task.
Stop the selected synchronous task
Show the log view window to view log data of the synchronous task, and explorer or restore the backup file.
Start all the checked task in the task list.
Stop all the synchronizing tasks.
Find Tasks by specifying the file system, and any sub-string in the folder path. Show the results in the result tab.
Explorer the Folder1of the task.
Explorer the Folder2 of the task.
Show the general option dialog box, to setup general options, such as the view columns of the task list, the color schema, FTP proxy, SMTP account etc.
View the log data of the tasks, such the starting and completing time of the task, or the error information at the synchronizing time.
Find the duplicated emails in Outlook, and deleted the duplicated mails. BestSync compares the subject and body text of the mail. If there are mails with the same subject and body text, BestSync deletes these mails.
Register BestSync, activate the license or send the help mail.
When the mouse moves to the empty part of the menu bar, the theme button is shown.
Click on the theme button, the dialog box of "Color" option is shown, you can select the theme color in the dialog box.
When the main window is sized to a small window and all the toolbar buttons can not be displayed in the toolbar, the invisible toolbar buttons can be shown by click this button in the toolbar.
Drag and drop the task item in the task list to adjust its position.
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