FileFilter Shell Extension
Main Features

Insert a filtering context menu in theWindows Explorer,and supportdrag & drop operation. File time and wildcard patterns can be used asfilteringconditions. The wildcard patterns can be part of the file name, extension and wild card characters (*,?,#).
             For example, the typical filtering pattern of MS Office file will be:
                 "*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt" Sub-folders and files can be specified toinclude or excludefrom copy. The history of filtering process can be logged as HTML file, and view by Internet Explorer. Delete Invalid Files and Folders
Windows allows the creation of file names and folder names that can not be deletedor renamed viaWindows Explorer.  This includes names with invalid characters and names that are too long. Just select theinvalid files and folders in the Windows Explorer, and select the "Filter Delete..." context menu. 

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FileFilter Shell Extension
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 RiseFly Software

FileFilter Shell Extension