BestSync Q&A
How to Execute Sync Tasks During Windows Logoff or Shutdown?
1. Use notepad.exe to create a script like this:
sub shell(cmd)
' Run a command as if you were running from the command line
dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set objShell = Nothing
end sub
shell """C:\Program Files\RiseFly\BestSync 201X\BestSyncSvc.exe"" /NoSvc /file:""C:\TaskSetting\setting.fsf"" /sync:S(2)"
Wscript.Sleep 2000
set svc=getobject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
sQuery="select * from win32_process where name='BestSyncSvc.exe'"
set cproc=svc.execquery(sQuery)
iniproc=cproc.count 'it can be more than 1
Do While iniproc = 1
wscript.sleep 2000
set svc=getobject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
sQuery="select * from win32_process where name='BestSyncSvc.exe'"
set cproc=svc.execquery(sQuery)
set cproc=nothing
set svc=nothing
Save the script to a file, for example, C:\Temp\start.vbs.
For the help document of the command line, please refer to this page.2. Press WIN+R hotkey, run gpedit.msc.
3. Navigate to User Settings -> Windows Config -> Scripts
Set the script to run at logoff. This will also run on shutdown.
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